AGUC (48/3/2006)

List of contributions published in AGUC Vol. 48, No. 3/2006

Number of papers in this Issue: 22
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Petr Dostál
Quo Vadis European Union? The Core, Peripheries and the Public Opinion, pp. 7-32
Quo vadis Evropská unie? Jádro, periferie a verejné mínení, pp. 7-32
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Andrzej Kowalczyk, Kinga Rucińska
Political Region: Vin Nouveau with an Old Label, pp. 33-41
Neo-liberalizmus a transformácia post-socialistických miest: chudoba, nerovnosť a mesto, pp. 33-41
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Adrian Smith, Alena Rochovská
Neo-Liberalism and Post-Socialist Urban Transformations: Poverty, Inequality and the City, pp. 43-54
Menej rozvinuté regióny Slovenska: identifikácia a hodnotenie, pp. 43-54
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Pavol Korec, Slavomír Ondoš
Less Developed Regions of Slovakia: Identification and Characteristics, pp. 55-74
Severná hranica Slovenska - politickogeografické a historickogeografické súvislosti, pp. 55-74
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Robert Ištok, Stela Lovacká
North Border of Slovakia - Political-Geographical and Historical-Geographical Context, pp. 77-88
Severná hranica Slovenska - politickogeografické a historickogeografické súvislosti, pp. 77-88
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Vít Jančák, Tomáš Havlíček, Pavel Chromý, Miroslav Marada
Research on Peripheral Regions in Czechia - Theoretical and Methodological Remarks and Basic Results, pp. 89-99
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Stefan Kaluski
The Carpathian Euroregion - Geographical Acpects, pp. 101-107
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Zdeněk Lipský
Landscape as Transboundary Phenomenon: European Transfrontier Landscapes, pp. 109-123
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Mikolaj Madurowicz
The Idea of the Border in Human World (Selected Aspects), pp. 125-131
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Katarzyna Szmigiel
Regional-Level Cooperation Between Poland, Czech and Slovak Republic: New Opportunities, pp. 133-140
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Waldemar Wilk
The Role of Borders in the Expansion of Retail Networks in Central European Countries, pp. 141-152
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Ivan Bičík, Vít Jančák
Czech agriculture in the integrating Europe, pp. 155-165
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Ján Buček
The Position of Local Self - government after Main Phase of Public Administration Reform in Slovakia, pp. 167-178
Postavenie miestnej samosprávy na Slovensku po hlavnej fáze reformy verejnej správy, pp. 167-178
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Malgorzata Durydiwka
Differences in the Development of the Tourist Function in Poland´s Rural Areas, pp. 179-188
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Jozef Mládek, Marcela Káčerová, Jana Marenčáková, Jana Širočková
New Trends of Population Development in Slovakia at the End of the 20th Century and the Beginning of the 21st Century, pp. 189-210
Nové trendy populačného vývoja Slovenska na konci 20. a začiatku 21. storočia, pp. 189-210
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Eugeniusz Rydz
Selected Spheres of Regional Differentiation in Poland in a Period of System Transformations, pp. 211-225
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Jana Spilková
Foreign Firms and their Perception of Regions in the Czech Republic: Statistical Explanation, pp. 227-245
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Radovan Skyba
Decentralization of Public Administration at the local level in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, pp. 247-259
Decentralizácia verejnej správy na lokálnej úrovni v Českej a Slovenskej republike, pp. 247-259
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Dana Fialová, Jiří Vágner
New Trends in Second Housing in Czechia, pp. 263-271
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René Matlovič, Alena Sedláková
Development of Residential Function of Prešov from Point of View of Opinions of its Inhabitants, pp. 273-281
Rozvoj obytnej funkcie Prešova vo svetle názorov obyvateľov mesta, pp. 273-281
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Miroslav Mularczyk
Transformation of Urban Settlement Network of Świetokrzyskie Province against the Background of Changes of Administrative Borders, pp. 283-292
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Martin Ouředníček
New Spatial Patterns of Suburban Housing in Praque Urban Region, pp. 293-302
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